Gitlab Enters credit card number to start handlers in Ci

Next for GitHub GitLab platform Faced with an attack associated Using the project infrastructure for mining crypocrine. To perform the attacker code, use Runner-s , with which you can connect handlers when assembling the project code In the system of continuous integration. To block the Gitlab abuse, introduced an additional check, which requires the introduction of the credit card number and perform the check transaction (without write-off). Also introduced 400 free minutes of operation Runner-s.

Without passing this check, access to the “Shared-Runner” functionality will be blocked. The remaining features of the platform, including Running Runner on its systems, remain available without additional check. The check will be applied only for new users of the service, which have been registered from March 17 and using the service for free. Restrictions will not touch the paid and supporting user’s own gitlab instances. Gitlab reserves the right to distribute verification and on old users if the abuses will be recorded in this category.

/Media reports.