Moscow will answer expulsion of a Russian diplomat from Northern Macedonia

Moscow will respond to the expulsion of a Russian diplomat from Northern Macedonia. The appropriate statement is published on the Russian Foreign Ministry website.

In foreign policy, we called an unfriendly step by the decision of the local authorities to declare one of the Russian diplomats by the person of Non Grata. “Resolutely condemning such unmotivated actions that cannot but affect Russian-Northworthon relations,” the ministry said.

May 19 became known that Northern Macedonia will send a Russian diplomat. He was given a week to leave the country. The name of the diploman is not specified. The decision of the Northworthhone authorities was condemned in the Federation Council. The first deputy chairman of the Committee of the Committee on International Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov said that Northern Macedonia would regret his decision to send a Russian diplomat. In turn, Senator Sergey Tsekov expressed the opinion that the authorities of Northern Macedonia were infected with an anti-Russian and antidiplomatic index “, and also try to like the European Union.

At the end of April, the Czech Republic called on European countries to send Russian diplomats. Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia went for such a step, Estonia.

/Media reports.