Russia: warned about risk for national security due to imports of raw materials

In the Accounts Chamber of Russia, they stated that the management of the State Fund of Nedra in Russia is not effective enough. Reports about it RIA Novosti

The deficiencies in the management indicates the low level of reproduction of scarce and strategic minerals. If in 2018 this indicator was 63 percent, then in 2020 – already 32 percent. Also in 2018, the level of execution of budgetary appointments on geological exploration amounted to 79 percent, and in 2020 – 72 percent.

The report authors explained that the lack of a complex of measures to import scarce strategic species of mineral raw materials creates risks for the country’s national security in the conditions of the uncertainty of the foreign policy situation.

In April, the Central Bank reported that it is possible to seriously increase the supply of Russian products abroad only with the help of structural changes in the economy, because a simple reduction in transport costs and the removal of barriers in foreign markets is not enough. He showed that Russian goods are not too suitable for export due to a number of factors. Among the companies that did not go to foreign markets, 36 percent explained the situation by the inconsistency of products in demand.

/Media reports.