Israel fired a settlement between Canaan and Saddikin in the suburbs of Tira in South Lebanon. This is reported by the local TV channel Al-Maidin.
It is noted that the fire in the direction of the country was opened from the standpoint opposite the Lebanese settlement of Alma-Ash-Sharab. According to the TV channel, Israeli strikes were planned against the background of preparation for demonstrations in solidarity with the gas sector near the southern border of Lebanon.
May 18 Israel declared an unsuccessful attempt to shelling from the territory of Lebanon. According to the statement of the military, after the triggering of Siren in Kibbutz, MisGAV-AM on the part of Lebanon was carried out six attempts to launch missiles, none of which eventually flew through the Israeli border.
On May 13, the three rockets of the class “Grad” were released towards Israel from the surroundings of the Al-Kalil settlement in Lebanon.
On May 10, Palestinian groups began a massive shelling of Israel – a total of thousands of rockets were issued in the country. In response, the Israeli army called on five thousand reservists and conducted the operation of the “Guardies of the Wall”. Clashs are still. According to the latest data, with the beginning of the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict were killed ten Israelis and more than two hundred inhabitants of the Gaza Sector.