Cardiologists stated danger of smartphones

American cardiologists did not see a big threat to the heart from modern smartphones. This is reported on the website of the Office for Sanitary Supervision of Food and Drug Administration and Medicines (FDA).

In the conclusion of the department states that the gadgets equipped with magnets may be briefly affected by the work of implanted electronic medical devices. In particular, the effect of devices on pacemakers and implantable defibrillators was called. However, during the tests, it was possible to find out that great hazards for health smartphones and other smart devices are not carried.

“We believe that the risk for patients is small, and at present the agency does not know about any side effects related to this problem,” Jeff Shuren said. However, due to the increase in the popularity of devices with embedded magnets, consumers should carefully refer to the choice of devices, and patients – to follow some rules for the operation of the devices.

In conclusion, the FDA states that with the immediate vicinity of gadgets to medical equipment, the latter can really fail for a short time. In this regard, doctors recommended people with pacemakers and implantable defibrillates before buying certain gadgets to consult with doctors. Also experts advised not to wear devices with a magnet near the location of medical devices – at least 15 centimeters.

In February, the specialists of the Institute of Hearts and Vessels Henry Ford confirmed that the magnet iPhone 12 in smartphones can turn off the implanted cardio equipment. Doctors recommended not to carry devices in the top pocket of a shirt or coat, and also not put on the chest.

/Media reports.