Execution group for execution was revived in USA

The execution group for execution was revived in the US state of South Carolina. About it reports The Independent.

Governor-Republic of Henry McMaster (Henry McMaster) adopted a law that obliges sentenced to the death penalty to choose between execution and death on an electric chair. The law was adopted in response to the unwillingness of pharmaceutical companies to supply drugs for death injections in due quantities.

Previously, the deadly injection was the method of execution used in the default state. However, South Carolina could not get drugs for several years, and most criminals were executed on an electric chair.

before that, the execution as a method of execution was used in the USA in Utah in 2010. According to the Director of Public Relations, Christi Shain, the Public Relations Department, the application of this method in South Carolina is still developing.

Shaine added that it is still unknown when the state authorities begin to execute criminals by execution. She stressed that employees of correctional institutions responsible for the execution of the sentence, “constantly study their duties.”

before that it was reported that the number of executions in the world in 2020 reached a minimum over the past ten years. According to the document, in the past year, at least 483 people were executed. At the same time, 657 such cases was reported earlier. In record 2015, 1634 executions were recorded.

/Media reports.