President of Czech Republic wanted anti-Russian successor

Czech President Milos Zemlan wanted his successor to become the Prime Minister of the Country Prime Minister Andrei Babish, famous for its anti-Russian glances. Words Politics leads the Czech edition

Zeman said he would voted for Babisha in the presidential election. “He did an incredible amount of work, unlike those who only criticized,” the Czech president explained.

The presidential term of the land expires in 2023. According to public opinion polls, Babish is one of the main favorites in the upcoming election race.

Solution to support Babisha in elections is noteworthy in that in recent weeks between two politicians, serious contradictions were observed due to the scandal around the explosions in Vrbetice in 2014. So, the President of the Czech Republic said that in addition to the involvement of Russian special services, other versions of events should be considered, for example, an attempt to hide the shortage of the ammunition held there. In response, the Prime Minister of the country reminded the president that the police investigate one version, and expressed bewilderment.

Tensions in Russian-Czech relations arose after the Czech Republic accused Russian special services in involvement in the explosions in Vrbetice in 2014, when two people were killed. According to Prague, the eve of the incidents in the warehouses were Russians Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, whom Great Britain accuses to attempt to poison the former Agent Gro Sergei Skriply. Russia involvement in the incident denies.

/Media reports.