Indians were asked not to bring dung in US

US Customs in the official handling asked Indians not to bring a cow manure in the baggage. About it reports The Wire.

“This is not a typo. Customs specialists-Agronomians found two koma cow manure in a suitcase, who forgotten passengers by Air India airline,” the press release released on May 10.

Customs students stressed that the import of “cow leptsek” from India in the United States is prohibited, as it may fall into the country, a lush, or the disease of the oral cavity and limbs – is extremely contagious and dangerous for the onboard diseases. In the United States and European countries, it was completely eradicated, but it was not won in India.

The publication notes that it is completely unclear why Indian passengers carry with them manure. However, according to the news portals of India, there are beliefs in cow excrement as a means of protection against Coronavirus SARS-COV-2. Local doctors recently issued a statement in which it refuted this belief for a lack of confirmation of his data.

May 12 reported that many Indians are trying to defeat coronavirus with cow’s milk, manure and urine. They apply a mixture of animal secretions onto the whole body, waiting until it dry, and then wash up milk. Believers are confident that such procedures will help them avoid infection and strengthen the immune system.

According to the Institute of Jones Hopkins, India is in second place in terms of the number of infections: more than 24 million cases of infection and 261 thousand deaths due to coronavirus are known. On May 12, the country again broke the record for the mortality increase from COVID-19 per day. According to the information of the country’s Ministry of Health, 4205 people died in India and accompanying diseases in India.

/Media reports.