Fedora reported About decision integrate in Fedora Silverblue distribution editor , Fedora IoT and Fedora CoreOs component to send statistics to the server to be judged by the number of users who are installed Distribution. Earlier, such statistics sent in traditional Fedora assemblies, and now will be added to atomically updated editions based on RPM-Ostree.
By default, sending data will be included in Fedora 34 IoT and SilverBlue, and in Fedora CoreOS will appear in August. With the reluctance to send data on its system to the user, the user is invited to disable the RPM-Ostree-Countme.timer service with the “SystemCTL Mask –now RPM-Ostree-Countme.timer” command. It is noted that only impersonal data is sent, which do not include information that could be used to identify specific users. The applied calculation mechanism is similar to the Count Me service involved in Fedora 32, based on the transfer of the installation time meter and the data variable and the architecture data and version of the OS.
The value of the transmitted counter increases every week. The specified method allows you to evaluate how long the release has been set, which is sufficient to analyze the dynamics of the transition of users to new versions and detect short-live installations in continuous integration systems, test systems, containers and virtual machines. The variable with the data on the edition of the OS (Variant_ID from / etc / os-release) and the system architecture allows you to divide the editors, branch and back.