the bride asked the guest to change the appearance, threatened by the fact that he would not let her go to the wedding, and caused anger on the net. On the appropriate publication in the closed facebook TAAT’S IT, I’m Wedding shaming (“like this I mock the weddings “) dotted in Daily Mail.
Australian resident, whose name is not called, sent a few text messages to his friend, where it demanded to hide tattoos and repaint her hair into a natural color for the celebration, which will be held in summer.
“We worked a lot over the theme of the wedding and, to my regret, your appearance is contrary to it. Maybe you will temporarily bring a squeak spray on your hair? I just want everything to look perfect, and I can send a few ideas, such as beautiful dresses Long sleeve or jackets, “the bride wrote.
In turn, Guest replied that it would most likely be very hot in the proposed outfits. She also refused to change the color of the hair, as “attached a lot of effort” to light the strands and achieve a blue shade, however, noted that it would think about the hairstyle.
In response, the conviction of the celebration stated: “I know that it will be hot, but this is my special day, so if you can’t accept it, then you do not care about me and, probably, you should not come. Buy cosmetics for His tattoos. If you want to attend my wedding, you will deal with everything. ” She also added that otherwise the girl would not be allowed for the event.
Community followers criticized the behavior of the conviction of the celebration. “I would say her:” Enjoy your special day. I will not be there “”, “you invited people you love. If only an appearance is worried, and this is obviously all that is interesting to the bride, just call the strangers,” “This is not even a bride’s girlfriend … I would I rejected the invitation and sent her a box of fresh horse shit to her significant day, “they spoke.
Earlier in May, the bride wished to “be the best” at the wedding and asked a girlfriend to cut off the hair. The MSGabiela98 Social Nickname Customer told that her close girlfriend with a haircut Pixie would soon be married. For this occasion, she asked the heroine of the material to change the hairstyle, so that she did not oversee the culprit of the celebration.