Scientists have made photos of Jupiter in three color bands. This is reported on the website of the National Research Laboratory of the US Optical-Infrared Astronomy (Noirlab).
Lab specialists noted the uniqueness of the images. Pictures in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum were made by the Hubble Telescope Wide Glass Chamber, Infrared – Niri (Near-Infrared Image), located in the laboratory in Hawaii. All three photos made at the same time at 15:41 by UTC January 11, 2017.
According to scientists, the “triple” photo allows you to consider those details of Jupiter who were not visible earlier. For example, in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum you can see the storm zone, but it is not visible in the infrared spectrum. Also in the IR spectrum managed to see a bright dark strip stretching over the northern hemisphere of the planet from the east to the west. This is a whirlwind, which has a length of more than 72 thousand kilometers – it is practical not noticeable on ordinary photos of Jupiter, published by scientists.
Specialists described the observation of a large red spot that exceeds the land according to its size. It is clearly visible with the usual shooting and ultraviolet mode, but poorly distinguishable in the IR spectrum. This is explained by the fact that different waves have different lengths.
According to scientists, observation of the Jupiter with the help of various spectra helps to consider the atmosphere of the planet in more detail and collect new information about the celestial body.
At the end of April, the Dutch astronomers opened the Giant Yses 2B planet and made her first shot. She rotates around the stars of the solar type and is at a distance of 360 light years from the ground.