Prices for products in Russia have grown below the medium-sized values. This was reported by Vice Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, her words leads TASS.
“The rise in prices for food in Russia is not the same as in the world market,” she said. Abramchenko referred to the data of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN. They found that in April of this year, by 30.8 percent higher than the indicator for the corresponding period last year.
“The proposal in the food market has significantly decreased. It was influenced by two factors: the closure of production due to a pandemic and a large-scale drought”, – added the Deputy Prime Minister.
Earlier in May, Prime Minister Mihal Mishoustin said that one of the reasons for the increase in prices for foods in Russia became greediness of individual manufacturers and retail chains. According to him, “the government has enough tools to curb the appetites of those who are getting free to attractive demand.”
Commenting on his words, in the Kremlin clarified that price regulation in Russia should be marketplace. Press secretary of President Dmitry Peskov did not stop in detail on the statements of the head of government. According to him, a separate point of view of the Kremlin is not required on this issue.
Hold prices for socially significant power products began in the late 2020, concluding agreements with trading networks and manufacturers. For sugar, they act until June 1, for oil – until October 1, 2021. This happened against the background of the cost of goods.