The US military when leaving Afghanistan will destroy a part of the technique, which will not be taken to the place of permanent deployment in the United States or will not give the Afghan army. This is reported by Associated Press.
Most of the secret equipment will be delivered back to the United States. At the same time, some techniques: helicopters, transport, ammunition and weapons, as well as a number of military bases American employees will give Afghanistan.
That technique that is no longer repaired or cannot be transmitted or redirected to the USA will be destroyed. Make it so that the equipment does not fall into the hands of terrorists who manage the country. To date, 1.3 thousand units of equipment were destroyed.
May 8 European allies asked the United States to postpone the conclusion of troops from Afghanistan so that they had time to get out of the country. Despite the support from Washington, some states stated that they would not have time to leave the republic to the established period and asked to leave the US military after July 4th.
The official conclusion of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan began on May 1 and will last until September 11, although actually the troops began to withdraw back in April. US President Joe Biden explained this decision to his conviction that the US military forces and European countries could neither create nor maintain a sustainable Afghan government.