Czech Military Intelligence Head Jan Beroun said that Russia was ready for accusations of involvement in the explosions in warehouses in Vrbetice. His words lead RIA Novosti.
Beroun noted that Moscow began to distribute information in social networks in social networks, refuting the participation of Russian special services in the explosions. According to him, such “pro-Russian” activity on the Internet suggests that Russia knew about preparing charges.
Earlier it was reported that in the Czech Republic, the closure of the cases of explosions in Vrbetice was allowed, unless they could interrogate suspects or ensure their presence. According to the Prosecutor General of the Czech Republic Pavel Zemren, from the very beginning the investigation has only one version, and it is impossible to exclude that criminal proceedings will end with the depositing of the case.
Czech Republic accuses Russian intelligence services in involvement in the explosions in the warehouse of ammunition in Vrbetice on October 16, 2014, which killed two people. Then, presumably ten thousand kilograms of ammunition exploded, including medium-range missiles. According to the version of Prague, a day before the explosion of a warehouse in it was Russians Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, whom Great Britain accuses to attempt to poison the former Agent Gro Sergey Skripal.