Indian politician named Stalin, named after the Soviet leader, wanted to win the elections in India. According to exit floors, his party should take first place in Tamil Nadu in the south of the country, however, the exact results will be announced on May 2, reports Daily Mail.
It is noted that the name of the Hindus gave his father, the former chief minister of state. Stalin was born a few months before the death of the real Joseph Stalin in 1953. At the same time, Indian Stalin is a convinced democrat.
As the publication writes, the Hindu has encountered an awkward situation when he arrived in the USSR in 1989. “As soon as I landed at the Russian airport, I was asked to call your name. When I said” Stalin “, many people at the airport began to look at me,” the politician told.
In December last year, politician, named after the leader of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler, took part in the elections in Namibia and won. The man also said that his wife calls him Adolf, but usually called Adolf Wuunon.