After six months of development took place Free Distribution Release Openindiana 2021.04 who came to replace the OpenSolaris binary distribution, the development of Oracle was discontinued. Openindiana provides the user with a working environment built on the basis of a fresh cutting of the code base of the project illumos . Directly developing OpenSolaris technology continues with an ILLUMOS project, which develops the kernel, a network stack, file systems, drivers, as well as a basic set of user system utilities and libraries. To download formed three types of ISO images – server editorial board with console applications (877 MB), minimum assembly (345 MB) and assembly with a graphic environment of Mate (1.6 GB).
Basic Changes in Openindiana 2020.10:
- Selects several options for proprietary NVIDIA drivers: 460.67, 390.141 (default), 340.108.
- GCC-7 compilers, GCC-8, GCC-9 and GCC-10 are assembled using SSP (Stack SMashing Protection) to protect the stack (-fstack-protector).
- OpenSSL library updated to branch 1.1.1.
- began the process of updating Python versions and related packets related to this language. Before completing the translation, in addition to Python-39 (3.9.4), Patthon-37 is proposed (3.7.10).
- The composition includes new packages: FCRON-3.3.0, LIBSIGC ++ 3 3.0.6, NODEJS-16.0.0, RE2C 2.0.3, Wine 4.17.
- From delivery Deleted Packages: CouchDB-21, Libcouchbase, Percona-Server-56, PHP-70 and related extensions.
- Updated Custom Packages: Mate 1.24.2, Firefox 78.10.0, Thunderbird 78.9.1, Emacs 27.2, MC 4.8.26, VLC 3.0.12, YouTube-DL 2021.01.08.
- Updated System Components and Libraries: Binutils 2.36, Coreutils 8.32, Cups 2.3.3, GNUPG 2.2.27, GNUTLS 3.6.15, Sudo 1.9.6p1, VirtualBox 6.1.18.
- Developer tools updated: CMAKE 3.20.2, GO 1.16.2, QT5 5.12.10, GTK + 3 3.24.24, Rust 1.44.1, SQLite 3.35.5.
- updated server software: Nginx 1.20.0, Bind 9.16.15, Haproxy 2.2.13,
NTP 4.2.8p15, OpenLDAP 2.4.58, PostgreSQL 12.6, TOR