The Council will prepare proposals for tightening the punishment for employers for the payment of informal wages to employees. This is reported by TASS, referring to the list of instructions to senators following the Messages of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
Sofved wants to ensure continuous monitoring of the labor market and prepare “systemic proposals for the motivation of employees to legalize their work activities,” and strengthen the responsibility of employers for the payment of gray salary.
According to the head of the Committee of the Council on the budget and financial markets of Anatoly Artamonov, the volume of informal wages in the country exceeds 10 trillion rubles annually, about 30-40 percent of Russians receive gray earnings. About 25 million people are involved in informal employment (32.5 percent of the economically active population).
Getting a salary in “envelopes” are ready 44 percent of Russians, this is evidenced by a survey of the service for finding Superjob. Not ready for Gray salaries 31 percent of respondents. At the same time, women turned out to be less tolerant to such schemes – 39 percent, but among men receive money without paying 49 percent.
The higher the salary, the less desire to take money “in the envelope”. In the group with an income of up to 30 thousand rubles such 45 percent, and with salaries from 80 thousand – only 36 percent.