Archaeologists disclosed why the ancient civilization of the Pueblo – the indigenous North American people disappeared, whose developed culture existed in the IX-XII centuries of our era. This is reported by the Edition of Science Alert.
Researchers traced how the Pueblo society changed to 1400 of our era, after analyzing the annual rings at the residues of wooden beams. It is known that over 800 years of history, the Indians experienced several flourishing and collapse, which coincide with the climate change periods accompanied by droughts. However, Pueblo farmers, apparently, could withstand extended droughts, so cultural declines were most likely associated with something else.
It turned out that the periods of the construction of the construction coincided with periods favorably to growing corn, although these times, on average, did not differ in climatic conditions from the periods of decline. Although the culture was rapidly restored after a collapse, each time it happened more slowly, which was accompanied by increasing violence.
Researchers suspect that slowly accumulating tensions (inequality of well-being, racial injustices and unrest) pulled social cohesion, and the new drought only aggravated the situation. It was repeated at 700, 900 and 1140 of our era. In the late 1200s, the combination of drought and conflicts led to the fact that Pueblo began to leave the region.
According to scientists, cohesive societies can get out of the climate crisis, but any social conflicts impede it. Anxious is that at present, humanity faces many problems, including political and racial disagreements, therefore climate change as a result of global warming may be for the world community catastrophic.