Bayden compared with Lenin

American Senator John Kennedy compared US President Joe Bayden with the Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, sharply exploring the policies of the head of state. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

In the course of an interview with the Fox News TV channel, Kennedy declared the disappointment of Byyden’s policies. The senator believes that many actions of the presidential administration are dictated by “Hate America”. “I knew that President Biden would be the left of the center, but I could not think that he would be to the left of Lenin,” said Kennedy, adding that Bidenu need to “take up the mind,” otherwise the life of Americans will turn into “imitation of hell.”

Senator recalled that many of the aliens of Bayden advocate for deprivation of police financing after a series of incidents with the killing of African Americans. Kennedy, in turn, stressed that law enforcement officers, among which there are also dark-skinned employees, do not go daily to work in order to “hurt anyone.”

Previously, US President Joe Bayiden criticized the deputy of the House of Representatives Ilhan Omar because of the intention to continue the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico against the background of the influx of migrants. “In general and unacceptable for the president, to continue the construction of the xenophobic and racist wall of Trump,” she wrote, mentioning the account of the head of state.

/Media reports.