After the launch of the world’s first artificial satellite (satellite) “satellite-1”, which took place on October 4, 1957, the United States experienced fear caused by the superiority of the USSR, recalls the veteran of the Marine Corps (KMP) of the United States Alex Hollings in SandBoxx blog.
“This inclusive fear before the Communists won not only from the point of view of nuts and bolts, but also from the point of view of hearts and minds, directly led to the creation of NASA, the redistribution of resources into rocket education and, of course, the flow of funding as defense and prestigious programs designed to compensate for the Soviet advantages that became apparent in many areas, “the author says.
The veteran of the CMP US reminds that from October 6 to October 31, 1957 in each release of the daily newspaper The New York Times Soviet “satellite-1” mentioned on average 11 times. According to the author, this circumstance, “the total fear of America pronounced before the tips in space.”
Hollings notes that after the launch of the first test, the USSR lag from the USSR was only increased, because later the Soviet Union managed to send the spacecraft for the first time, to launch the spacecraft, which became the first artificial satellite of the Sun, and reach the surface of the moon.
“In the late 1950s – early 1960s, the Soviet Union was not just headed by a space race, but also dominated her. If America wants to change roles with red, she needs to look closer on the fact that they are hiding inside their missiles “,” writes the author.
According to Hollings, the situation has changed when the central intelligence management (CIA) of the United States received data relating to the Soviet spacecraft “Lunica”. “The information obtained during the operation gave America a more complete picture of what advice is capable of, which allowed it to plan their own efforts accordingly,” the author assures.
In October 2017, the constructor of space systems and political analyst Sergey Khrushchev, the son of the former first secretary of the Central Committee (Central Committee) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) Nikita Khrushchev said that the USSR received an offer from the US to organize a joint piloted mission to the mission, but it It was rejected because of the fear. Show the backlog of the Soviet Union in the economy and aeronautics.