Scientists have found a link between being overweight in youth and memory impairment in old age

Excess weight in young people in their 20s and 30s affects memory problems later in life. This connection was found by American scientists after analyzing information about the health of 15 thousand people. Scientific article published in the journal Neurology.

According to research, being overweight and high blood pressure double the risk of memory impairment in old age. At the same time, high blood glucose levels increase the risk fivefold. “Perhaps treating or modifying these health problems in early adulthood can prevent or reduce thinking problems later in life,” suggested article author Christine Yaffe, a neurologist at the University of California, San Francisco.

It is noted that all participants in the experiment were observed for 10-30 years, fixing the listed indicators and measuring cognitive abilities every year or two. At the same time, the scientists noted that the decrease in cognitive abilities did not depend on factors such as gender, age or education.

Previously, scientists have proven that marriage affects weight loss. Men and women who get married quickly lose weight and do not gain it again. Experts tracked 300 people over the age of 20. Most of those who lost weight after marriage remained slim eight years later.

/Media reports.