Share of Russians hiding income from family and friends is

Almost half of Russians tell their partners about their earnings. This is evidenced by the results of the Superjob survey, which were at the disposal of TASS.

So, 51 percent of respondents disclose the amount of income to their second half, 41 percent of respondents – to their parents, a quarter of citizens are ready to tell their friends the size of their salaries, and every tenth Russians – to relatives. At the same time, almost 20 percent of employees do not share these numbers with anyone.

It is known that women are more likely to hide income from their spouses than vice versa (17 percent versus 13 percent). 81 percent of citizens speak about their earnings to their beloved, among women this figure is 78 percent. At the same time, Russian women are much more open about the amount of money received from their parents than men (47 versus 35 percent).

It turned out that young people from 18 to 24 years old are most willing to disclose the size of the salary to their relatives. In this age category, 81 percent of respondents report their earnings to their parents, almost two-thirds of Russians to partners, more than half of respondents to friends, and about a quarter to relatives.

Every third Russian agreed with the statement that it is unacceptable to share information about their income with anyone, and in 2013 this figure was less and amounted to 26 percent.

Earlier research “” showed that Russians would like to receive 107 thousand rubles a month. Salary expectations rose 44 percent in a year after the coronavirus restrictions were lifted.

/Media reports.