Crews of ISS-65 supported perennial regulations

Preparing for the next expedition, the new crews of the International Space Station traditionally attend signs related to the history of domestic cosmonautics. The event is held literally a few days before their departure on Baikonur.

In the Museum of the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts, where the memorial office of Yuri Gagarin is located, the crews of the long-term expedition of the ISS-65 left autographs in the memorable book of sub-records. The decision to create a book with the appeals of participants in the upcoming expeditions was taken after the tragic death of the first cosmonaut of the planet.

each crew has a group photo from the museum hall of international space flights. Did not retreat the main crew of the ISS-65 as part of the astronauts of Roscosmos Oleg Novitsky, Peter Dubrov and Astronaut NASA Marka Wanda Haya, as well as their dumplings Anton Sluffers, Oleg Artemyev and Ann McClayin.

Then the delegation of astronauts and astronauts went to the Kremlin Wall to honor the memory of S.P. Korolev, Yu.A. Gagarin and other outstanding people who contributed to the development of cosmonautics. Traditions have become and visiting the territory of the Kremlin, as well as a walk through Red Square, after which the cosmonauts visited the House-Museum S.P. Korolev in Moscow.

On March 26, 2021, crews must go on the Baikonur cosmodrome. The start of the transport piloted ship “Union MS-18” is scheduled for April 9.

/Media reports.