New OneWeb Satellite Party in orbit

on Thursday, March 25, 2021, at 05:47 Moscow time took place the seventh start from the Russian cosmodrome eastern in the Amur region. From the starting complex “Union” performed a successful launch of the Soyuz-2.1b carrier missile with an overclocking unit “Frigate” and 36 new ONEB spacecraft. After 561.8 seconds, the head part in the regular mode was separated from the third stage of the carrier and continued flight.

The sequential separation of the nine groups of spacecraft from the Russian acceleration unit passed according to the laid fiber cyclogram. In total, during the mission for almost 4 hours, eleven active sites were provided: three inclusions of the marching motor installation (the latter – in order to deliver an accelerated block to the so-called “orbit”) and eight inclusions of the motor installation of POPs required for the safe compartment and Discrepancies of ONEWeb devices. All satellites have been successfully replaced by the specified orbits and are taken under control. After the completion of the breeding and separation of spacecraft, the overclocking unit “Frigate” will be reduced from the orbit, and the non-aggravated elements flood in the non-heated part of the Pacific Ocean. This launch became the fifth in the framework of the OneWeb launcher.

Roskosmos State Corporation Means – Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket (Producer – Rocket and Space Center “Progress”, Samara) and an overclocking unit “Frigate” (Manufacturer – Scientific and Production Association of the S. A. Lavochkina) – fully fulfilled work in normal mode. Today’s launch of the OneWeb satellites was carried out as part of the Glavokosmos contract (included in the Roskosmos State Corporation) with the European Supplier of the Arianespace Start Services and the Russian-French company Starsem in close cooperation with subsidiaries of Roskosmos – RCC “Progress”, NGO Lavochkina and the Center for Object Space Objects Infrastructure.

Low-bit ONEB spacecraft are designed to provide terrestrial consumers with high-speed Internet directly through satellite communications. After today’s launch, the oneweb satellites group at a low near-earth orbit has 146 spacecraft, the company plans to start a few more hundreds.

Overclocking block “Frigate” ensures the effective execution of all tasks to remove one or more spacecraft on working orbits or flying from the land of the trajectory. The entire removal process is carried out autonomously, without interference from Earth. The highest reliability and practically the perfect removal accuracy give an accelerated block of indisputable competitive advantages over world counterparts.

Low-bit ONEB spacecraft are designed to provide terrestrial consumers with high-speed Internet directly through satellite communications. After today’s launch, the oneWeb satellites group at a low near-earth orbit has 146 spacecraft, the company is planned to launch hundreds of others.

/Media reports.