In south of United States for first time banned death penalty

The American State of Virginia banned the death penalty – this is the first similar case in the south of the United States. The corresponding decree was signed by the state governor, NPR says.

It is noted that the reason for this decision was seen including in the problems of racism – black criminals allegedly susceptible to execution much more often, especially in cases where their victims were white.

“The death penalty is a direct continuation of the lynching. This is a racism sponsored by the state, and today we have the opportunity to end it with this,” said one of the state legislators, Democrat Jones Jones. Some Republicans performed together with the members of the Democratic Party for the ban on the death penalty, but mostly the republican party in the state spoke out against the cancellation.

Virginia became the 23rd state of the United States, where they do not resort to the death penalty, and the first among those that were included in the Confederation of South States. It is also known that this is the staff with the highest number of executed in American history.

In Russia, the death penalty is permitted by law, but in fact it does not apply: since 1997, the moratorium works on it. In a recent survey of WTCIOM, two percent of Russians stated that the moratorium would remove the moratorium on the site.

/Media reports.