Roscosmos on “Korolev readings”

at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, with the support of the state corporation Roscosmos and organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry, started XLV academic readings on astronautics. “Korolev readings” are devoted to the memory of the founder of practical cosmonautics, Academician Sergey Pavlovich Korolev and other outstanding domestic scientists – pioneers for the development of outer space. Because of the coronavirus pandemic this year, part of the sections is carried out in the online format.

Traditionally, readings in MSTU are discussed by the fundamental issues and current issues of the development of outer space, the achievements of domestic design schools, humanitarian aspects of space research and their role in the socio-economic and strategic development of modern society.

At the opening reading of the plenary session on March 30, 2021, members of the Roskosmos State Corporation Dmitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian segment of the International Space Station, the Cosmonaut of the USSR, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Soloviev, (Chairman of the Organizing Committee) And the rector of MSTU named after Bauman Anatoly Alexandrov. According to tradition, those present honored the memory of the outstanding representatives of the industry – scientists, engineers, designers, and astronauts last year.

As part of the readings, it is planned to discuss the following questions:

  • Scientific legacy of pioneers for the development of space space and design schools in a rocket and space area;
  • Fundamental problems of cosmonautics and the state of its individual directions;
  • Place of cosmonautics in solving issues of socio-economic and Strategic development of modern society;
  • Humanitarian aspects of cosmonautics;
  • research on the history of space science and technology.
/Media reports.