German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that it refuses to vaccinate from coronavirus in a special order. It is reported by RIA Novosti.
“I will make a vaccination when my turn comes,” she said. The German leader clarified that it is probably vaccinated by Astrazeneca.
March 30 became known that in Germany, the Vaccine from Coronavirus Astrazeneca will be used only for persons over 60 years. Such a decision was made at the conference, in which the Minister of Health of Germany Jens Shppp and his colleagues from federal lands took part. Citizens younger than the established threshold will be able to undergo vaccination with this drug only after assessing the state of their health care and in the case of individual risk analysis after careful informing.
Earlier it was reported that in Germany, more than 30 cases of thrombosis in the brain have a vaccine vaccine from Coronavirus VaxzeVRIA (Astrazeneca). Of these, nine people died.