Reveal effects of supervolkan explosion for Earth

Scientists uncovered as the supervolkan eruption can affect the Earth’s atmosphere. This is reported in the article published in the magazine Geophysical Research Letters. Briefly about the study describes the press release on

Researchers studied the consequences of the catastrophic explosive eruption of the supervulkan Los Choos, located in the area of ​​Guatemalan Highlands, which occurred 75 thousand years ago. Now in its place is the giant caldera atitlan, which turned into a lake. The height of the caldera above sea level is 1563 meters, and there are three cone-shaped volcanoes around: Atitlan, Toliman and San Pedro.

Scientists analyzed deposits in the geological layers formed after the eruption, and found out that as a result of the catastrophe in the atmosphere, a large amount of sulfur, chlorine and bromine were discarded. According to the results of computer modeling, the eruption broke into the tropics of the quasi-tech fluctuations in the wind direction in the stratosphere, which lasts ten years.

Violation of the wind system is the result of air heating due to aerosols and cooling effect caused by the depletion of the ozone layer after the eruption.

To date, it is known about 20 supervulcans around the world. One of the most famous – Caldera Yellowstone in the USA.

/Media reports.