Residents of Tanzania came to funeral of president and died

The residents of Tanzania March 21 came to the funeral of President John Maguphuli to the stadium in the city of Dar-Es Salaam and arranged a fierce, as a result of which 45 people died. It is reported by the Eassessment The East African.

Among the dead – mother and four of her young children, the family buried two days ago. It is known that at least 37 citizens were injured.

62-year-old president died shortly after he made loud statements about the coronavirus pandemic: he said that the disease was not penetrated into Tanzania and prayers help from it. According to some data, the cause of its death has become caused by coronavirus infection the disease of the COVID-19, from which he tried to recover in other countries.

last November, 12 women who tried to receive a visa and leave Afghanistan, died in a football stadium in Jalalabad.

/Media reports.