The promising Russian military transport aircraft IL-112B successfully completed its second flight. This is reported by TASS.
Flight began at 11:35 Moscow time and ended with landing at 12:04 at the Voronezh Aviation Association (Vaso). The aircraft was finalized to the second launch and, as the representative of the design bureau “Il” in Voronezh Alexander Anhin, facilitated.
“measures were carried out to reduce its weight, as there was an advantage. Now the weight of the aircraft is close to what is specified in the TK [Total Quest] of the Customer. The plane is an experienced, first copy, naturally, there were comments and constructive, and Other moments, now they are eliminated, “said Anhin.
The first flight of IL-112B took place on March 30, 2019. It was assumed that the second time the military transport aircraft will be launched in April 2020, but these tests were canceled due to the reconstruction of the runway.