A way to grow lost teeth

University of Kyoto scientists and the University of Fukui in Japan found a genetic mechanism that can help regenerate new indigenous teeth instead of lost. This is reported in an article published in the SCience Advances magazine. Briefly about scientific work is described in a press release on MedicalXpress.

Researchers have shown that antibodies to the USAG-1 gene (gene associated with the sensitization of the uterus – approx. “Tape.ru”) can stimulate the growth of teeth in mice suffering in congenital agenis of teeth.

It is known that the morphogenesis of individual teeth depends on the interactions of several molecules, including bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and the elements of the WNT signal path. BMP and Wnt, regulating the development of the human embryo, therefore drugs affecting their activity may violate important processes in the body. Therefore, scientists aimed at those molecules that suppress the signal factors that, as expected, more securely.

usag-1 interacts both with BMP and Wnt. The effects of various antibodies on the USAG-1 led to low fertility and survival of mice. However, one of the antibodies broke the interaction of the gene only with BMP, which made it possible to grow a full-fledged tooth without harm to health.

According to scientists, the results of the study provide the therapeutic basis for the problem of the loss of teeth, which can currently be solved only with the help of implants and other artificial measures.

/Media reports.