President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that in Russia “thrown out” inaccurate information that the Russian authorities allegedly make him hold a constitutional reform. The video is available in the Telegram channel “Pool of the First”.
According to him, the Belarusian authorities are engaged in the issue of updating the legislation “long ago.
“These changes should be, because Lukashenko is not eternal and we do not know who will be the next one that he will be a dictator and authoritarian leader (…). To redistribute the authority, it is not necessary to change the constitution. No. No, no. . We will change it, and then again it will begin to say that Lukashenko pulls time, “he said.
Lukashenko added that it is a “complete nonsense,” because the Belarusian people will decide.
Earlier, on March 30, Lukashenko spoke out against the “blur” of the president’s powers in the process of conducting constitutional reform. Despite the fact that before that, he promised to transfer 70-80 percent of the authority to parliament, government and other structures.
The beginning of the work of the Constitutional Commission, which will form proposals for amending the Basic Law, Lukashenko announced on March 15. He announced a referendum to adopt a new Constitution of Belarus and promised that after the reform leaves the presidency.