Conditioning prices for sunflower oil and sugar extended

The Russian government has extended agreements to curb food prices. For sugar, they are extended until June 1, for oil – until October 1 of this year, RIA Novosti reports.

The relevant decision approved the Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishoustin. “The term of the previous concluded agreements expired on April 1, which could lead to the rise in the cost of these products,” said the press service of the government.

Against the background of rising prices for products at the end of last year, the Government concluded a number of agreements on stabilizing prices for sugar and sunflower oil of Russian production. Now the limiting prices for sugar should be 36 rubles per kilogram in wholesale trade and 46 rubles in retail, on sunflower oil – 95 rubles and 110 rubles, respectively. Initially it was assumed that the agreement would be valid until April.

/Media reports.