4mlinux 36.0 distribution

Published Release 4MLinux 36.0 , a minimalist custom distribution that is not branching from other projects and using a JWM graphic environment. 4mlinux can be used not only as a Live environment to play multimedia files and solutions to user tasks, but also as a system for recovery after failures and platform to run LAMP servers (Linux, Apache, MariaDB and PHP). The size of ISO image is 930 MB (i686, x86_64).

Support has been added in the new release NBD Protocol (NETWORK BLOCK DEVICE). Added EXFATPROGS utilities to work with the EXFAT file system and the EXFAT support in the GParted editor is built. The composition includes: VERACRYPT disk section encryption system, program for calculating the GTKHASH checksum and utility to create LiveUSB UnetBootin. From the repository deleted packages associated with Flash Player.

Updated kernel Linux 5.4.99, Mesa 20.3.1, LibreOffice 7.1.2, Abiword 3.0.4, Gimp 2.10.22, Gnumeric 1.12.48, Dropbox 114.4.426, Firefox 87.0, Chromium 88.0.4324.96, Thunderbird 78.9 .0, audacious 4.0.5, VLC 3.0.12, MPV 0.32.0, Wine 6.1, Apache 2.4.46, MariaDB 10.5.8, PHP 7.4.15, Perl 5.32.0, Python 2.7.18 and Python 3.8.6 .

/Media reports.