Repair on the burnt atomic underwater dwelling device AC-31 “Luxarik” will last four years. Such a term was called in the defense and industrial complex (OPK), the TASS reports.
“On the repair of atomic special unit” Hosharik “will leave up to four years. Then the underwater apparatus will be returned to the battle,” the source said. However, in the press service of Sevmash, where the AC-31 will restore, did not comment on this data.
March 31 reported that the specialists of the Center Repair Center (CA) “asterisk” in Severodvinsk completed unloading the active zone of the nuclear reactor “Hosharik”. After that, repairs and the modernization of AC-31 began. It was also clarified that the titanium station of the station was practically not affected, and the nuclear reactor of the inhabited apparatus is not planned to be replaced.
“Hosharik” burned out in July 2019 burned down, as a result of which 14 sailors were killed. At the same time, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu set the task as soon as possible to restore this AGS.
According to official data, AC-31 was engaged in batteries.