In RCC “Progress” held a competition of professional skill of young workers

In the Progress Rocket and Space Center (Samara, the annual competition of professional skills among young workers of enterprises was held to the Roscosmos State Corporation). This year he is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first flight of a person in space. In total, 65 young workers under the age of 35 took part in the competence of professional skills in 2021.

The competition was held in two stages: participants demonstrated applied skills in the manufacture of parts, after which they competed in theoretical tasks. The contest is traditional and is held at the Progress Rocket and Space Center since 2002. His main goals are the motivation of young workers to the successful development of professions and the consolidation of young people in labor collectives. Every year contestants compete in four competencies: turner, milling machine, locksmith, installation of radio electronic equipment and appliances.

Dmitry Baranov General Director: “Every year youth is increasingly interested in obtaining workers’ specialties. Today’s competition has shown that there are many young highly skilled workers on our enterprise. This is important because the quality of our products directly depends on the professionalism of the team. / DIV>

Deputy General Director for Human Resources Sergey Pronin: “This competition is an opportunity for young workers to show yourself and test your strength in the profession. And the enterprise makes it possible to identify the best and in the future to develop their professional potential.”
/Media reports.