Scientists revealed the main factor affecting the life expectancy. It is reported by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Researchers for 20 years studied a closed population of short-lived wild sheep in Scotland. They analyzed the relationship between the telomer length (terminal areas of chromosomes), their safety and life expectancy and came to the conclusion that longevity correlates with a telomere length and is not associated with the degree of their depletion.
In this way, scientists note, the lifetime is more affected by genetic predisposition, rather than external factors, such as stress or nutrition.
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In February, it became known about healing from COVID-19 105-year-old patients. A resident of the American State of New Jersey Lucia Decralk said that Koronavirus won thanks to the Iisma, aloe and prayer juice in Gina. The woman survived the Spanish flu, the two global wars, the death of three husbands and son. Having learned about your diagnosis, Deplek was initially frightened. She did not want to be in isolation, and she missed daily communication with the nurses. As a result, a pensioner showed little symptoms, and after two weeks she returned to his room.