The Netflix video service operator in Russia for the first time revealed financial indicators. On their publication drew the attention of the newspaper “Kommersant”.
In particular, revenue for 2.5 months last year exceeded 462 million rubles, and net profit – 24 million. The audience of the service in the country can be from 180 thousand to half a million paid subscribers. Until now, NetFlix revenues in Russia have not revealed.
As shown by the director of the Association “Internet video” Alexey Byrdin, after Russian Netflix has become more than 100 thousand users, the service will fall into the focus of Roskomnadzor. The platform will have to include in the register of audiovisual services, so that the service will have to execute a number of requirements. We are talking, for example, on the marking of content and storing these Russian users in the country. Byurdin concluded that all this will entail additional costs.
Netflix is an American entertainment company, a streaming multimedia films and TV series. Since 2013, Netflix has been producing their own films and serials, including animated, as well as television programs. In Russia, the service started in 2016.