Rare Cartridge Super Mario became most expensive game in history

In the US, the auction was held on which the cartridge with a video game SUPER MARIO Bros was sold. 1986 for 660 thousand dollars (50.4 million rubles). A record deal made this game the most expensive in history, it is reported in Twitter -Aktage Auction House of Heritage Auctions.

It is noted that the cartridge is preserved in perfect condition in the sealed plastic packaging. According to the Associated Press, the video game was acquired as a Christmas gift, but remained in the table box, where it was found at the beginning of 2021.

SUPER MARIO BROS game. One of the first to be released on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console in the United States and became the best selling. This model is the first in the series of video games about Super Mario Bros.

Earlier it was reported that the form for the employment of the founder of the American company Apple Steve Jobs was sold at auction for 162 thousand pounds of sterling (16.6 million rubles). The buyer’s name is not disclosed. Jobs filled out one of the pages of the hand of hand in 1973, presumably, after he threw his studies at the University of Reed College in Portland, USA.

/Media reports.