Oilmen in Russia began to stock with gasoline, fulfilling the recommendation of the authorities, transfers TASS.
The Central Dispatching Department of the Fuel and Energy Supervision (CDA) reported that gasoline reserves in Russia for March 30, 2021 increased by 0.5 percent compared to March 23 – up to 1.677 million tons. In February, the Government recommended oil companies to increase gasoline reserves to 1.8 million tons by June 1.
According to Rosstat estimates, from March 23 to March 29 rose by 0.3 percent, for diesel fuel – by 0.2 percent. At the same time, from the beginning of the year, gasoline on Russian gas stations has already risen in price by 2.9 percent, diesel fuel – by 1.4 percent.
However, in the Ministry of Energy, the fuel price is considered unfairly low. “The actual price of gasoline AI-92 – 44.89 rubles per liter as of March 25, 2021 in the territory of Central Russia. Fair retail price without a damper – 50.08 rubles per liter,” indicated in the ministry. Fair market price of fuel inside the country without intervention by the state would be 5.2 rubles per liter above, confident in the Ministry of Energy.
Earlier, explaining the high cost of gasoline in Russia compared to other countries, the deputy head of the Ministry of Energy Pavel Sorokin indicated that fuel prices in Russia are not appointed by the state. He also noted that fuel in the country is not cheaper together with oil, unlike other countries, due to fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate, market factor and work of the damper introduced by the state.