Two Russian banks lost licenses

Central Bank of Russia withdrew licenses for banking operations in three organizations, among which two banks are Moscow Geobank and MaykopBank, as well as the estimated non-banking credit organization (RNB) “RIB”. Press releases are published on the regulator website.

Check showed that Geobank, occupying 354th place in the banking system of Russia in terms of assets, fully lost its own funds and violated federal laws on the regulation of banking activities. In the last year, many restrictions were applied to the bank, including to attract depositors’ cash.

Maykopbank occupied 321 place. Its reports found an understatement of reserves for possible losses, as well as the overestimation of property costs to improve financial indicators, which allowed him to hide his real position. More than half of the organization’s credit portfolio ranged issues. The regulator has repeatedly warned Michastbank about problems and introduced restrictions.

RNKO RIB accused of violating federal laws and the requirements of the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia. The organization specialized in servicing illegal casino and bookmakers.

In all three organizations, a temporary administration of the Central Bank has been appointed. It will be valid until the appointment of the competitive managing or liquidator.

/Media reports.