Space radiation of unknown nature was found

The huge complex of telescopes in Tibet found the first evidence of the spread of gamma rays of ultrahigh energies through the Milky Way. Their source is unknown star accelerators of natural origin that rotate around the galaxy for millions of years. This is reported in the article published in the magazine Physical Review Letters.

Scientists recorded 23 Events of space gamma radiation, while the energy of one of them broke the world record and amounted to almost one petaileelectronvolt. It is three orders of magnitude greater than the energy of any other known gamma radiation caused by cosmic rays, or particles overclocked in accelerating laboratories.

Hamma rays of high energy are produced due to the nuclear interaction between high-energy cosmic rays, emitted by powerful galactic sources, and interstellar gas in the Milky Way Galaxy. Space rays are generated by mysterious pevatrons (pevatrons), which can be outbreaks of supernovae, star formation area or supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy. However, no active peguer was found, although the opening first indicates their existence.

/Media reports.