US advised to abandon Astrazeneca vaccine

The director of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases of the United States Anthony Fauci advised the authorities to abandon the use of a coronavirus vaccine developed by the British-Swedish company Astrazeneca. Reports about it Reuters.

According to him, this question is still in suspended. “There is a common feeling that, given the contract relationships that we have with a number of companies, we have enough vaccines,” said Faucci.

Earlier it was reported that the effectiveness of the vaccine from the coronavirus company Astrazeneca was 3 percent lower than previously declared. Studies have shown that from the flow of COVID-19 with Cymptoms, it saves 76 percent of cases, and not in 79, as it was thought before. At the same time, effectiveness in preventing severe cases of disease requiring hospitalization is still 100 percent, and efficiency in the use of patients aged 65 years and older – 85 percent.

A number of European countries have been suspended or banned by Astrazeneca vaccination due to the discovery of thrombosis in the vaccinated patients. Meanwhile, the creators of the vaccine insist on its safety. The company stated that a detailed study of the health of more than 17 million people after vaccination showed the absence of data on the increased risk of the emergence of a pulmonary artery embolusion, deep vein thrombosis or thrombocytopenia.

/Media reports.