The participant of the sixth season of the television show “The Top Model of American” showed an indecent tattoo and launched network users. The corresponding roller appeared in its Tiktok account.
On the placed frames of 39-year-old Joan Spregg (Joanie Sprague) advises not to do a pallium on the inside of the lip, believing that over time she will erase. According to her, the tattoo, which she piled 12 years ago, still did not disappear. “Every time I come to the reception to Dentistist, I have to apologize for the obscene words that they are written in my mouth,” the woman laughed. Further, the spread pushed the lower lip and demonstrated the inscription with the Materian English expression Fuck You (“Go to hell”).
Publication scored 2.5 million views, fans pleased the star roller. “God, with me a similar situation happened! I ran on the word” daddy “on the lip and thought it would disappear, but it was still with me!”, “I stuffed the phrase” hot thing “, and my dentist is delighted with This tattoo! “,” This is very funny! ” – they wrote.
Earlier in March, the girl nabe a tattoo with a quote Father and realized her vulgar meaning four years later. 22-year-old Rihanna Cooper (Rhianna Cooper) from Davaten, England, stood the phrase Make It Count (“Attention”) on the back, because her father often spoke to her the following words: “Only one life is given to you, so attract all your efforts. “. At the moment, Cooper meets with a young man who hinted on a double meaning of the drawing.