Over the past year, the prices for electronics in Russia jumped by 20 percent, market participants predict further rise in price in almost all segments of the goods. This is reported by the newspaper “Vedomosti”.
In the first quarter of 2021, the cost of laptops increased by 10 percent (compared with the same period last year), another computer technique has risen about the same amount: laptops and desktops. Moreover, as the marketer of the federal retailer noted, the sellers in Russia now do not increase their march – the prices for gadgets change importers.
According to GFK, now the average price of the computer in Russia is $ 730 (54.3 thousand rubles), it is about 20 percent more than a year ago. In many ways, the situation is explained by the shortage of components for the production of equipment. “In 2020, due to the attractive demand for a PC, the prices of them began to grow. Then, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the chains of components were destroyed – some enterprises producing them were simply closed,” explained Acer CEO in Russia Dmitry Kravchenko.
In early February, the participants of the Russian market have already talked about a sharp rise in price of electronics. Prices since the beginning of the year grew by 5-20 percent. As the main reason, the deficit of the main components was also called: matrices, memory cards, displays and video cards. The situation is also complicated by the fact that in the country there is no own production of semiconductors for consumer electronics. At the same time, domestic assembly enterprises are not priority customers of foreign suppliers due to a small amount of orders.