In Germany, the land branch of the North Stream-2 gas pipeline was commissioned – Eugal. According to Interfax with reference to the GASCADE operator, the pipeline has earned at full capacity. It can be transported by 55 billion cubic meters of gas.
“The first thread transported gas from January 1, 2020. The second thread and the pumping station was commissioned today, and they expanded the power of transportation to 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year,” lead RIA news an excerpt from the company’s message.
Eugal is a joint project of GASCADE GASTRANSPORT GmbH, Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH, Fluxys Deutschland GmbH and Ontras Gastransport GmbH. The length of the highway is 480 kilometers, it passes from love on the bank of the Baltic to Doyhnoydorf.
Gas pipeline “Northern Stream-2” from Russia to Germany for the bottom of the Baltic Sea should be passed back at the end of 2019. However, its completion was prevented, in particular, the threat of sanctions by the United States, due to which the project began to leave European companies.
On Thursday, April 1, construction operator – NORD STREAM 2 AG – reported that the degree of preparedness of the gas pipeline is 95 percent. However, in March, the German concern Uniper, the gas pipeline co-investor, argued that he was ready for 98 percent. At the same time, according to Nord Stream 2 AG, 2339 kilometers from 2460 were laid on March 31, that is, it remains to be laid only 121 kilometers.