German environmentalists could not interfere with the gas station “Northern Stream-2” gas pipeline. They asked to cancel the development permit, but the Federal Office for Shipping and Hydrography FRG (BSH) rejected this requirement, “Interfax” writes.
Environmentalists argued that the territory of one of the areas of gas pipeline laying (in the German economic zone, approx. “”) is of particular importance for nesting birds, but they did not agree with this. The depth of the sea is about 20 meters, so this area is not very important to the birds.
Previously, the ecological organizations of DUH and NABU protested the issuance of the permission of BSH for the construction of the gas pipeline. So they could briefly delay the resumption of laying “Northern Flow-2”.
The gas pipeline is already built by 95 percent, it remains to be laid about 121 kilometers (five percent) of total length. Initially, it was assumed that the construction would end by the middle of 2020, then until the end of 2020, later – in the mid-2021, and, finally, in the fall of the 2021th.
The main problem of “Northern Flow-2” is the position of the United States, who consider it a geopolitical project aimed at dividing Europe and reduce European energy security.