Moscow: suspected Czech Republic in desire to close embassy in Russia

In Moscow, they spoke about the possible consequences of the decision of the Czech Republic to send 18 Russian diplomats from the country. Interfax reports this with reference to the Russian diplomatic source.

According to him, such a step of the Czech side is likely to mean that Prague decided to close its embassy in Moscow.

Czech Republic announced the expulsion from the country of 18 Russian diplomats earlier on April 17. They are suspected of working on Russian special services, which are allegedly involved in the explosion in the warehouse of ammunition in Vrbetice on October 16, 2014. Then exploded, presumably ten thousand kilograms of ammunition, including medium-range missiles. As a result, two people died. The reason for the explosion remained unknown, on one of the versions he happened due to the negligence of workers.

Later, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova responded to the expulsion of Russian diplomats. She stated that “Prague is well known that follows the like focus.”

/Media reports.