US warned Russia about consequences in event of death of Navalny in prison

If the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK, is included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent) Alexey Navalny will die in prison, consequences will come for Russia. This was warned by the US presidential assistant on the National Security of Jake Sullivan, reports TASS.

He also answered the question about the summit of Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Bayden. According to Sullivan, meeting two leaders will take place with suitable conditions.

Earlier, on April 13, in the federal execution service (FSIN), they said that Navalny was translated into a detachment of a colony from medical school due to improved health. Studies have not been confirmed from concluded tuberculosis and coronavirus infection. Doctors appreciated his health status as satisfactory.

In early April, Navalny, serving a punishment in a correctional colony number 2 (IR-2) in the Vladimir region, transferred to the health care part with the symptoms of ARS. In the course of the planned closerization, the prisoner revealed a high temperature. The first messages about the deterioration of his health appeared at the end of March. In the regional department, the FSIN said that the state of the Navalny is considered satisfactory.

In February, the Moscow City Court pleaded to the legitimate substitution of the inventive conditional period in the case of “Yves Rocher” for real. He was accused of 60 violations of public order after a conditional sentence. Navalny must serve in a colony for 2 years 6 months.

/Media reports.