Sergey Zaletin – Cosmonaut of the 1st Class, Military Pilot of the 1st Class, has a total raid more than 1100 hours on 5 types of aircraft and 120 parachute jumps. Completed two space flight as a commander of the ship on the Orbital Complex “Peace” and the International Space Station.
Sergey Viktorovich Vastetin has made its first space flight from April 4 to June 16, 2000 as the commander of the transport ship “Union TM-30” and the World Orbital Complex under the program of the 28th major expedition in conjunction with Alexander Calery. For the first time in the world, stable ordered spatial structures were obtained in the conditions of weightlessness according to the results of the experiment “Plasma Crystal-2”. It is noteworthy that the EO-28 flight was the final flight to the World orbital Station.
During the flight, Balletin performed one way out into open space, which lasted 5 hours 3 minutes. In space, the crew spent 72 days. On November 9, 2000, the title Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation for the successful implementation of space flight Sergey Viktorovich
For the second time, Sergey Zaletin went to orbit on October 30, 2002 as the commander of the piloted ship “Union TMA-1” and the fourth expedition to visits to the International Space Station with Yuri Londchakov and Frank De Wine. As part of the flight, a transport piloted ship of the new series “Union TMA” was tested. On November 10, 2002, the crew was safely returned to Earth. The duration of the flight was 10 days.
Guide and employees of Roskosmos State Corporation, Center for the Training of Cosmonauts named after Yu.A. Gagarin, as well as the cosmonaut detachment congratulate Sergey Viktorovich happy birthday, wish him health and well-being, good and happiness, harmony and success in all endeavors!